As drivers, we are warning our leaders to do better and be mindful of all traffic rules and regulations.
big promises
Successive UK governments (motto: if you can't fight, wear a big hat), a priority in road safety.
In the UK, road maintenance is carried out by two different agencies.
Friends, it just doesn't happen.
A bit of history
When cars were invented, it didn't take long for governments to realize there was money for them.
The name changes from time to time, but, historically, VED has always been known as "Road Tax". The car enthusiast who pays expects the money to be used to maintain the roads.
As a result, drivers pay more and receive less.
pothole crisis
The number one pilot among British drivers is a pothole.
No doubt the "authorities" will tell you that several million potholes are repaired every year.
The solution is clear to everyone except those with heads like ostriches in the sand.
We motorists in Britain don't hold our breath.
Winter conditions can negatively affect the country's roads.
road toll
This author has no data on how many accidents are caused by potholes;
It doesn't stop there.
And finally
When a car is damaged by a pothole, we can choose it from our auto insurance.
Geoff Masted is a writer, photographer and author of our Letter from the UK series.
Cover Photo: Jacob Oda.