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Hyundai Kona Hybrid introduced in Europe


Hyundai Kona Hybrid introduced in Europe

Hyundai Motor расширяет свою популярную, отмеченную наградами линейку Kona, выпустив совершенно новый Kona Hybrid. Полностью новый Kona Hybrid является естественным продолжением семейства Kona и отвечает требованиям европейских клиентов в отношении моделей эко-мобильности с внедорожником..

В дополнение к своему смелому дизайну, он предлагает эффективную полностью гибридную трансмиссию и обладает рядом технологических усовершенствований, включая расширенные возможности подключения Blue Link, системы активной безопасности SmartSense и помощи при вождении, а также современные информационно-развлекательные функции.

Оригинальный Kona, получивший свое название от потрясающего района Kona на Большом Острове Гавайев, первоначально был представлен в 2017 году как первый субкомпактный внедорожник Hyundai в Европе. В прошлом году корейский автопроизводитель представил Kona Electric, свой первый полностью электрический компактный внедорожник. Кроме того, Hyundai представила специальный Kona Iron Man Edition с ограниченным глобальным производственным циклом.. С момента появления оригинального Kona на рынке в октябре 2017 года в Европе было продано в общей сложности около 120 000 экземпляров..

Hyundai Kona Hybrid introduced in Europe

«Hyundai уже предлагает самый широкий ассортимент силовых агрегатов, и с запуском полностью нового Kona Hybrid мы предлагаем нашим европейским клиентам еще больший выбор, когда речь идет об экологичных моделях внедорожников», говорит Андреас-Кристоф Хофманн, вице-президент по маркетингу и продукту в Hyundai Motor Europe HQ. «В дополнение к стильному дизайну и эффективной гибридной силовой установке клиенты теперь могут также пользоваться передовыми функциями подключения».

Hyundai теперь предлагает полную гибридную версию своего удостоенного наград внедорожника. Вскоре после открытия нового IONIQ, полностью новый гибрид Kona является естественным продолжением как семейства Hyundai Kona, так и его эко-мобильности, что делает более чистую мобильность доступной для еще большего количества водителей. Он основан на успехе оригинальных Kona и Kona Electric, предлагая клиентам выбор внедорожника с экологичной мобильностью, который соответствует их потребностям.

Hyundai Kona Hybrid introduced in Europe

Совершенно новый Kona Hybrid оснащен 1,6-литровым GDI Kappa, бензиновым четырехцилиндровым двигателем с непосредственным впрыском, обеспечивающим максимальную мощность 105 л.с. и крутящий момент 147 Нм. Его электродвигатель с постоянным магнитом обеспечивает мощность 43,5 л.с. (32 кВт) при максимальном крутящем моменте 170 Нм..

Наряду с этим литий-ионный полимерный аккумулятор мощностью 1,56 кВт-ч обеспечивает выдающиеся характеристики заряда и разряда, оптимизируя выходную мощность от высоковольтной батареи и обеспечивая быструю регенерацию. Вместе с мощностью трансмиссии 103,6 кВт (141 л.с.) и крутящим моментом до 265 Нм это гарантирует, что новый Kona Hybrid обеспечит динамичный опыт вождения.

  • Hyundai Kona Hybrid introduced in Europe
  • Hyundai Kona Hybrid introduced in Europe
  • Hyundai Kona Hybrid introduced in Europe
  • Hyundai Kona Hybrid introduced in Europe
  • Hyundai Kona Hybrid introduced in Europe


  • 485km
  • электрический
  • Электромобиль
  • Europe
  • Е.В.
  • HEV
  • Гибридный
  • Hyundai
  • Hyundai Kona
  • Hyundai Kona EV
  • Hyundai Kona Hybrid
  • кона
  • Кона Е.В.
  • Kona Hybrid
  • Плагин Kona Hybrid
  • PHEV
  • Plug-in Hybrid
  • Скандинавия
  • spying
  • SUV

Formula 1 All Races - First 1000


Formula 1 All Races - первые 1000Название Формула 1 Все гонки: первая 1000 длина720 страницКупить в: Veloce Publishing

  • Новая книга, выпущенная ограниченным тиражом, подробно рассказывает о семи десятилетиях гонок Формулы-1..
  • Книга, доступная исключительно от Veloce Publishing, включает в себя ряд диаграмм и графиков..
  • Наша серия Book Garage демонстрирует, что каждый редуктор и энтузиаст должны добавить в свою библиотеку.

Однажды мой почтовый ящик отягощал огромный толстый том книги. Формула 1 All The Races — The First 1000 описывает себя как универсальный магазин для любителей F1. Veloce Publishing, выпускающая книгу с ограниченным тиражом, говорит, что это книга для чтения; книга по истории; и справочник, раскрывающий саму суть гонок Гран При. И хотя для фанатов гонок это действительно так, это детальная книга статистики Формулы-1..

Формула 1 Все гонки — первые 1000

Честно говоря, я не вижу никого, сидящего с этой штукой, взламывающего ее на первой странице и читающего прямо на странице 720. Это так же увлекательно, как телефонная книга, поскольку здесь действительно мало что можно прочитать. Тонны статистики, фактов и цифр, но небольшая проза включена в эти 720 страниц. Каждая раса получает свой собственный эскиз (например, «В третий раз это был поул Хаккинена, победа Шумахера» и т. Д.) Со списком основных моментов на конец каждого сезона..

Однако «Формула 1 All The Races» не является «книгой для чтения», подобной тем, которые мы традиционно освещаем в этой серии «Книжный гараж». Скорее, это страница за страницей статистики и результатов. Представьте себе переплетенную бейсбольную копию из воскресной газеты, и вы получите идею.

Formula 1 All Races - первые 1000Формула 1 All The Races предоставляет анализ производительности водителя наряду с подробными картами трасс. Фото: страница 315; гонка 436. Гран-при Австралии 1986 года.

Загружен факты и даты (и фотографии тоже)

Там действительно много картинок, соленых и приправленных повсюду. Большинство из них ярко окрашены, но на самом деле, говоря все это, просто позолота лилии. Это справочник прямо вверх. Если вам это пригодится, и вам нужно знать, кто выиграл голландский Гран-при в 1974 году, поставьте его себе на стол..

Это были Лауда, Регаззони, Фиттипальди, Хейлвуд, Шектер и Депайлер, пополнившие первую шестерку.

Самый быстрый круг для южноафриканской гонки 1985 года? Росберг (Кеке, папа Нико) установил время 1: 08.149. Видите, это такая книга. У вас есть какой-нибудь вопрос гонок? Это даст вам факты, но я задаюсь вопросом, зачем нужна еще одна книга, как эта.

Вырезать из аналогичной ткани

Несколько недель назад я получил еще одну книгу статистики F1 от Veloce Publishing, очень похожую на эту. Эта книга «Формула 1 — Знание, 2-е издание: записи и мелочи с 1950 года» охватывает все записи Гран-при со времени официальной кодификации спорта в 1950 году. Я думал, что это было приятно, даже удобно, но я все еще мог найти все этот материал онлайн.

И теперь в моей библиотеке есть вторая книга, которая выполняет ту же функцию, что и первая. Опять же, я спрашиваю то же самое: не могу ли я просто получить все эти вещи в Интернете?

Formula 1 All Races - первые 1000На последнем повороте последнего круга Льюис обогнал Тимо Глока за P5, чтобы лишить Массу звания на одно очко. Страница 546; гонка 803. 2008 бразильский GP.

Что-то для коллекционеров

Возможно, очарование здесь состоит в том, что в Формуле 1 All The Races будет только 1000 копий. Глядя на макет, кажется, что он в любом случае нацелен на коллекционеров. Цена книги, колоссальные 65 фунтов стерлингов (около 80 долларов в муриканских долларах), также подтвердила это. Существует ли коллекционный рынок гоночных статистических книг? Если бы они шли на этот рынок, они могли бы лучше справиться с печатью и переплетом. Страницы маленькие (размером с iPad Mini), поэтому шрифт практически не читается. Страницы — глянцевый, но переплет уже издает скрипы и щелчки, и позвоночник начинает отделяться.

Blade Runner and the Flying Cars: Did They Do Something Right?


Blade Runner and the Flying Cars: Did They Do Something Right?Release date June 25, 1982 Director Ridley Scott Length 1 hour 57mWhere to watchAmazon Prime

The Blade Runner was released in 1982 and landed with a thud. It didn't go anywhere at the box office, and only later gained momentum and followed a cult following when it was released on VHS. Set in bleak, dirty, crowded 2019 Los Angeles (just last year!) Blade Runner showed us a future of environmental devastation and the slow, inexorable destruction of humanity, one person at a time, in pursuit of the almighty dollar.

Like all great works of art, this raises some important questions about what makes us human; how a person maintains his humanity; why we live and what is the meaning of this life; and is it possible to fall in love with a robot with whom you had sex?

Flying Cars & Blade Runner

Of Blade Runner's many predictions - genetic engineering, super-scale architecture, and holographic manipulation, to name just three - one of the ones we're talking about here on Automoblog is, of course, flying cars. And, as with most flying car cases, I rate F for accuracy in terms of technology prediction. But . The world of Blade Runner has some interesting caveats to how they deal with flying cars, making the whole idea potentially much more workable..

  • Related: Petersen Automobile Museum's Hollywood car exhibit.

To start with, the flying machines called "spinners" were designed by the great Syd Mead, visual futurist, industrial designer, automotive designer, and everyone of interest. He called his flying machine an "aerodyne" that worked through an invisible propulsion system. Everything contained inside the spinner beetle had enough power to lift and motivate it. As never stated, but that was the basic idea. Director Ridley Scott was smart enough to hire the right guy to work on the flying car concept.

Blade Runner and the Flying Cars: Did They Do Something Right?Decommissioned spinner Rick Deckard from Blade Runner. The car is based on the 1972 VW Super Beetle. Photo: Kan Media.

Who will be able to use flying cars?

Another thing is that Blade Runner of the blades correctly understood who used them. As far as I can tell (and I've seen this movie dozens and dozens of times), there are only two kinds of flying cars in the movie. There are choppers that fly on police cars, and there was another model that looked like a private car. The implication is that only the cops or the wealthy elite get the flying cars.

This greatly simplifies potential problems such as crowded skies, accreditation of who is flying, and the like. If only two types of people fly around our polluted and congested cities — the law enforcement and the wealthy — that means a higher level of responsible use. In theory.

It is also worth noting the level of computer control and monitoring that is observed when using a turntable in the air. This will go a long way in mitigating a lot of problems.

Blade Runner and the Flying Cars: Did They Do Something Right?Inside the Deckard spinner from Blade Runner. Photo: Kan Media.

Are the flying cars in Blade Runner believable?

Even though I've given Blade Runner's flying spinners an F class in terms of plausible technology, it's with these caveats. If there is a way to make flying machines work, we can't just give them away at the behest of any breath that pleases. We abandoned the entire program within a few months due to fatal, smoking accidents and inevitable lawsuits.

  • Related: How close are we to flying cars and do we need them??

In other words, I don't see flying cars coming true. The police don't need them, they already have helicopters, and the same goes for dirty, wealthy private jets. Sure, there are semi-mad innovators and ambitious companies that are still trying to make flying cars happen, but the landscape looks as bleak as the desert dust engulfing Las Vegas in the fairly well-done sequel, Blade Runner 2049 (Harrison Ford reprises his role).

How to make a trailer for a boat to a bicycle from improvised materials (photo)


How to make a boat trailer for a bike

When a boat appears, the construction of which we talked about in one of our publications, the question of simplified transportation immediately arises. The easiest way to solve it is with a lightweight bike trailer, which can be made from a steel or aluminum pipe, garden wheelbarrow wheels. Usually such a device is attached to the wheel hub or bike rack. As they say, it takes longer to ask the question of how to make a trailer for a boat than to assemble it yourself.

How to make a boat trailer: where to start

We recommend starting work with a design choice. Let's take a look at some popular options. One of them is suitable for your project and will answer the question of how to make a boat trailer.

The difference between the proposed options is the choice of material, two- or four-wheel version. You can choose the most suitable one based on the budget, requirements and dimensions of the boat. For small canoes or kayaks, you can use reinforced plastic tube and wheels from a children's bike or wheelbarrow. If there is a need to make something stronger, choose wood or metal. The lightness and strength of the structure are united by aluminum.

How to make a trailer for a boat to a bicycle from improvised materials (photo) How to make a trailer for a boat to a bicycle from improvised materials (photo) How to make a trailer for a boat to a bicycle from improvised materials (photo)

What is the design of the trailer

A device for transporting a boat is assembled from the following elements:

  • The chassis on which the wheels are held, they may or may not be steerable.
  • A rod or guide that performs trailer steering tasks.
  • Soft stops for fixation.
  • In some cases, differential transmission may take place. It is designed for large boats and to improve trailer controllability.

On sale you can find DIY kits for assembling a trailer. However, it can be made independently, from bicycle accessories, spare parts for wheelbarrows and elements of plumbing pipes. The advantage of the latter option is the availability of parts and assembly. To do this, you will need a soldering iron and pipe tongs, a drill and a screwdriver.

How to make a boat trailer for a bike: easy from a plastic pipe
How to make a boat trailer for a bike: easy with a kit

How to make a trailer for a boat to a bicycle from improvised materials (photo)

The most popular designs: how to make a boat trailer in reality

The option with a plastic trailer is not suitable for everyone. Many of our readers will also note the rather high cost of such a solution. In this case, you can choose the appropriate option from a tree or a metal profile. Note that if conventional welding is suitable for steel, then “argon” is required for aluminum. To avoid this, you can use soldering on metals. It is simpler and can be stronger than traditional welding.

How to make a trailer for a boat to a bicycle from improvised materials (photo) How to make a trailer for a boat to a bicycle from improvised materials (photo) How to make a trailer for a boat to a bicycle from improvised materials (photo) How to make a trailer for a boat to a bicycle from improvised materials (photo)


From the above examples, it can be seen that complex structures are not needed to transfer your boat to the water. During the rest, the bike can safely stand in an impromptu parking lot. For these purposes, we recommend using a biometric lock. If our article helped you, leave comments with your photos of how you made a boat trailer.

Good luck!

New project: how to make a boat with your own hands from wood and film


How to make a boat with your own hands: drawings, 3D model, video

The creation of swimming facilities has again become relevant. It so happened that in the countryside there are practically no craftsmen who can make wooden boats. At the same time, young guys, by analogy and other examples, are reviving traditions. So, how to make a boat with your own hands? In practice, it is not so difficult, having drawings and instructions. It can be made from wood, plywood, aluminum, or simply from camping cling film. Another DIY build section shows how to make a bike trailer to transport a boat.

How to make a boat with your own hands from wood? It's very simple.
How to make a boat with your own hands from wood? It's very simple.

Please note that in Ukraine, boats up to 2.5 m long without a motor do not require registration. If you make a small DIY motor powered by batteries or solar panels, such a craft is also not subject to state licensing. In addition, you can always sail, especially when the boat is made for recreation and fishing.

Food wrap boat

If you can't wait and want to experience all the delights of water navigation on your own vessel, we recommend you the kayak of lawyer Egorov. It differs in that it can be done in just a few hours. This is an ideal hiking option that many will like. In addition, this is an excellent master class for those cases when you need to quickly make a ship to float down the river.

The disadvantage of this kayak is that it does not take the load. The advantage is in the ease of construction. I must say that the guy did an excellent job and showed the manufacturing process in great detail.

Your own wooden boat is beautiful

Our master class shows how to make a boat with your own hands like a canoe. It is quite similar to the traditional boats used by our ancestors on the Dnieper. At the same time, it differs slightly in shape and decorative elements.

Now it is customary to call sports boats with a pointed nose, but in a historical perspective, small boats from different peoples of the world were called that. A characteristic feature is the spade-shaped directional control that is created during rowing.

In other words, we are talking about a boat with oars that can be controlled. These boats are now often equipped with an outboard motor. In the next master class, we will tell you how to make a DIY motor on different power sources.

The boat can be made from plywood, but it looks more exclusive from wood. It will be a pleasure to have such a rowing vessel. Boats are made by sticking lamellas on the frame. For these purposes, water-resistant wood species are used. But even ordinary pine, coated with wax or epoxy varnish, will last quite a long time.

Manufacturing process

As you can see from the first seconds of the video, the process begins with a project and drawings. Where can you get them. Drawings can be found on the Internet or purchased from the relevant companies. People who are good at engineering can design a ship on their own.

However, if you do not have any drawings or a project, you can make a boat by analogy. It can be made or assembled on a frame. The frame gives additional rigidity, but adds weight. As a result, a wooden boat will be very light and fast, but may be unstable.

So, how to make a boat with your own hands? In this case, the author performs it from a tree according to a finished project:

  1. The first stage is related to the construction of the frame. To do this, you need to cut plywood and assemble the structure. In the video, this is done using a cutting machine, but in practice, you can get by with a jigsaw. The edges are protected with electrical tape to prevent the lamellas from sticking to the frame structure.
  2. The next step is to stick the lamellas on the frame.
  3. After grinding the outer side of the boat, it is covered with a film - laminated. This improves wear resistance. However, you can use epoxy resin or special varnishes with subsequent polishing. But this option is not suitable for beginners, for whom lamination will achieve the desired result the first time.
  4. At the next stage, reinforcing elements are mounted, playing the role of stiffeners.
  5. At the final stage, the seats are made.


To reduce the lead time for pre-work. We recommend downloading approximate drawings of the canoe, which will be useful in the manufacture of the frame. You can also download 3D canoe model on the engineering portal.

Exclusive conversion of a GAZ 52 truck into a pickup truck or do-it-yourself car assembly history

Pickups assembled from other cars are very popular among fans of private car tuning.
Pickups assembled from other cars are very popular among fans of private car tuning.

Complete alteration of a car: assembling a car with your own hands from a GAZ 52 truck

If you have the opportunity to purchase an old truck for a very small amount in a broken condition, be sure to take this opportunity. We want to tell you about the exclusive conversion of the GAZ 52 truck into a pickup truck. This is an interesting and different DIY car assembly. It stands out for its approach, creativity and small budget. Such an unusual auto-tuning is not unique. It is made on the basis of the existing body, nodes, the rest of the spare parts are bought. Thus, the new car combines retro and the latest components and components, delighting the owner with exclusivity.

What else is good about remaking a car with your own hands based on a registered car? The owner will have the opportunity to re-register it and use it as a full-fledged road vehicle. Such operations when assembling a car with your own hands “from scratch” are difficult. Some examples of alterations can be seen in the video below.

I must say that this type of auto-tuning pickup truck from Gaz 51, 52 and 53 is very popular, you can find many similar projects on the net. You might like the idea. And assembling a car with your own hands will help you become the owner of an exclusive car.

Truck into an exclusive pickup truck - where to start?

The car shown in the video looks like an exclusive pickup truck. At the same time, it is very comfortable and functional. Its only drawback, in our opinion, is a small clearance (ground clearance), which makes it similar to a sports car. But otherwise, it is quite technologically advanced and convenient in daily use. The pickup truck moves quickly and has good maneuverability. What characterizes the master well, when the assembly of the car was carried out on their own and without experience.

Amazing car makeover: pickup truck from GAZ
Amazing car makeover: pickup truck from GAZ

The front part of the GAZ 52 body is completely preserved, the car is recognizable. Meanwhile, it has its own face and harmonious design thanks to the author of the project. He can be seen driving his brainchild on the streets of Tomsk. Assembling the car with his own hands made him a famous person in the region.

Our pickup truck from GAZ-52 and Toyota Crown fully answers the question of how to assemble a car with your own hands
Our pickup truck from GAZ-52 and Toyota Crown fully answers the question of how to assemble a car with your own hands

History of creation

The history of the appearance of this pickup truck is worthy of a cinematic scenario. First, the guy bought a Gazelle in order to build a car based on its chassis. But later the developer abandoned this idea and learned about such a car as the Toyota Crown. It had good suspension, a chassis suitable for the project, and an engine. These spare parts have found application in autotuning.

Alteration of the car began with the acquisition of the Japanese car Crown. Then the GAZ 52 body was attached to it. On this basis, the first version of the car was assembled. But the owner also had a good mechanic who recommended changing the engine. This was necessary due to the nature of the design. It turned out that the turbine rested against the lever.

Tomsk pickup without trunk
Tomsk pickup without trunk

As a result, I had to buy a naturally aspirated engine. Subsequently, all the insides were repeatedly rebuilt. The author was not very good at automaking and learned everything as needed. In addition, the interior trim and the creation of individual parts took a lot of time, which also increased the cost of creation. It took 2 years to create a pickup truck.


Most of the details remained original, and the naturally aspirated engine complemented the interior of the car very well in appearance. Alteration of the car is clearly a success. Now it is an exclusive retro pickup. It has an expensive interior trim. And it's nice to look at inside and out.

Exclusive conversion of a GAZ 52 truck into a pickup truck or do-it-yourself car assembly history

The car has an automatic transmission, rear-wheel drive, typical for sports cars. In this case, it is necessary to increase the carrying capacity, given the compact dimensions. It has a 300 hp V8 engine.


Exclusive conversion of a GAZ 52 truck into a pickup truck or do-it-yourself car assembly history Exclusive conversion of a GAZ 52 truck into a pickup truck or do-it-yourself car assembly history

Dynamics and static stability

When assembling, special attention was paid to the rear of the body, completely welded by the owner with no experience in such work. I had to additionally think over aerodynamics, since high speeds, such a cabin and the cargo part did not really fit together and affected handling. Especially at high speeds. Despite the shortcomings, the alteration of the car was a success, the pickup behaves very confidently on the road. Drift stability is impressive for self-tuning.


The interior is designed in retro style. All original elements of the dashboard are preserved, leather seats are made, wooden and chrome-plated interior parts are added or restored. Additional work was carried out with the seats, firmware was used, which had a positive effect on comfort.

Comfort indicators

The pickup truck features a low seating position that was traditional in the 60s. But this reflects positively on the review.

The car is not so well soundproofed, and it also does not always pass obstacles unnoticed. This is due to the retained original suspension and rather stiff shock absorbers, but this issue can be improved. Now a pickup made from GAZ 52 and Crown looks like an exclusive retro car that has everything it needs. And it reflects the spirit of the 60s.

What is the result?

The owner does not reveal all the features, and there is also no video of the auto-tuning process. But we can show a video of another similar, but already foreign project. The conversion was based on a 1960 Chevy C10 and a 1938 Buick coupe.

As a result, we can say where to start assembling a car with your own hands. It is worth listing the steps:

  • We need to follow the path of the first racing drivers, the same Enzo Ferrari, choose and purchase a chassis. In our case, this is a used car. To spend less on spare parts, it is better to choose a prototype with good mechanics.
  • Next, it is desirable to choose a body, but you can do it yourself.
  • After that, put everything together and highlight the design flaws, it is better to consult an auto mechanic.
  • At the next stage, spare parts are monitored and, if necessary, replaced with more modern ones.
  • After assembling the structure, you will need to make calculations and analyze the stability of the car drift (you can read about stability and other useful things at link). This is necessary so that the car does not roll over and behaves predictably.
  • As a result, interior trim is being carried out, which is also not worth saving.

And most importantly, you can start small. It's okay if the first version fails.

You can get spare parts for restored cars and a full consultation on deep autotuning at Elite auto. We can find everything you need at the best and most affordable price.

Other examples

Exclusive conversion of a GAZ 52 truck into a pickup truck or do-it-yourself car assembly history

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We figure out how to assemble a bicycle with your own hands in practice (photos, videos and drawings)

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How to assemble a bike with your own hands: from theory to practice + video

In general, it is no secret to anyone that as a prototype car Karl Benz I used a bike frame. The question is how to assemble a bicycle with your own hands, can occur in two cases. Both if you need to save money, and if you want to make a non-standard model.

If you want to start somewhere and design vehicles, we recommend starting with bicycles. Then you can compete with Christian Koenigsegg in the creation of hypercars or assemble exclusive bike models. They can be made from available spare parts or parts. Assembling a bike is relatively difficult and quite accessible even without experience. Spare parts can be made independently and purchased.

Many will say: "Why is this necessary, if you can take a constructor and assemble a non-standard model." And this is also correct. We suggest that you approach the issue creatively, and then decide on further goals. So, how to assemble a bicycle with your own hands? You need to start with the design and study of the principles of movement. Interest in what other people have developed is often part of the success. AT video we only show some of the possibilities. Check out our section to see what's new.

Bicycle design

Reinventing the wheel is considered a stupid task, but it is worth shifting the angle of view to look at the issue from a different perspective. This type of transport still remains relevant today. You can change its design, use additional devices. They will make your daily commute more enjoyable and comfortable. Watch the video to make yourself want to do the same.

A good bike is expensive by today's standards. The cost is approximately $1100. So the purchase of a starter kit for assembly, for example, for 3400 UAH, will be a good start. You can choose a simpler option - disassemble and improve a cheap model, as shown in the video. Or purchase a ready-made assembly kit known as Sandwichbikes.

We consider the design on the example of a mountain bike, without emphasizing the design differences - it is shown in Figure 1. This is another topic for conversation, which we will definitely touch on. A disassembled bike clearly demonstrates what parts the vehicle consists of. The main supporting structure is the frame. It can be of different design and made of different materials.

Rice. 1. Bicycle design
Rice. 1. Bicycle design
All bike parts
Rice. 2. All bike parts

Usually it is made of steel or aluminum pipe, but it can be a composite material, plastic or even wood. It is worth recalling that bicycles were first made of wood, then of metal. Already in our time, they can be made from parts printed using a 3D printer. But you need to start with a traditional design, mastering 3D modeling at the same time, embodying your ideas in drawings and drawings.

Peugeot B1K Bicycle Concept
Peugeot B1K Bicycle Concept

We figure out how to assemble a bicycle with your own hands in practice (photos, videos and drawings) We figure out how to assemble a bicycle with your own hands in practice (photos, videos and drawings)

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We figure out how to assemble a bicycle with your own hands in practice (photos, videos and drawings) We figure out how to assemble a bicycle with your own hands in practice (photos, videos and drawings) We figure out how to assemble a bicycle with your own hands in practice (photos, videos and drawings)
We figure out how to assemble a bicycle with your own hands in practice (photos, videos and drawings)

We figure out how to assemble a bicycle with your own hands in practice (photos, videos and drawings)


The basic element of a bicycle is the transmission. With its help, the force is transmitted from the pedals to the rear and front wheels by means of a chain drive. This is achieved with the help of connecting rods, pedals and carriages are attached to them.

The front sprockets are also attached to the connecting rod, with the help of which power is transmitted to the drive wheel. The front and rear stars, in turn, are connected by a chain. The transmission allows you to control the speed, and some devices allow you to change gears. That is, this unit works similarly to car parts. Moreover, any classic bicycle is, in terms of motorists, a rear-wheel drive vehicle.

The main task of the developer is to transfer maximum power to the wheels with minimal effort when pedaling. If this is not fully feasible in practice, then an electric drive is practiced. But the goals can be achieved with the help of design features.

The designer bike in the photo is made of bamboo stalks. It could also be a tree. But structurally and in terms of the complexity of the transmission, it is quite simple to implement. You can also make a classic design, designed to be made of metal. Please note that the bearing element in its appearance depends on the material from which it is made. Some designers prefer to work with plywood when making a frame. Moreover, the features of this material affect the design and fastening.

We figure out how to assemble a bicycle with your own hands in practice (photos, videos and drawings)

We figure out how to assemble a bicycle with your own hands in practice (photos, videos and drawings) We figure out how to assemble a bicycle with your own hands in practice (photos, videos and drawings) We figure out how to assemble a bicycle with your own hands in practice (photos, videos and drawings)

Drawings of bicycles for self-assembly

Before assembling a bicycle with your own hands, you need to decide on the material of manufacture and design. As a starting point, you will need type drawings of bicycles. We offer several examples of designs with dimensions. They will make bike assembly easier and pick up parts.

We figure out how to assemble a bicycle with your own hands in practice (photos, videos and drawings) We figure out how to assemble a bicycle with your own hands in practice (photos, videos and drawings) We figure out how to assemble a bicycle with your own hands in practice (photos, videos and drawings) We figure out how to assemble a bicycle with your own hands in practice (photos, videos and drawings) We figure out how to assemble a bicycle with your own hands in practice (photos, videos and drawings) We figure out how to assemble a bicycle with your own hands in practice (photos, videos and drawings) We figure out how to assemble a bicycle with your own hands in practice (photos, videos and drawings) We figure out how to assemble a bicycle with your own hands in practice (photos, videos and drawings) We figure out how to assemble a bicycle with your own hands in practice (photos, videos and drawings)

Safe design

It seems that the concept of ergonomics is inherent only in modern versions and sports bikes. In part, this is true. But even with the first attempts to develop your own bicycle transport, it does not hurt to understand ergonomics in detail. Since improper design can lead to damage to the joints. Especially for people who spend a lot of time behind a bicycle wheel or who are older.

We figure out how to assemble a bicycle with your own hands in practice (photos, videos and drawings) We figure out how to assemble a bicycle with your own hands in practice (photos, videos and drawings)

Assembling a bicycle by example

In the video you will see the assembly process, and how to assemble a modern bike from spare parts. This will be a good material when you decide to build a bike with your own hands.

Editor's note: cycling is trendy

Cycling is a very important part of European and Dutch culture. The tradition has evolved over the course of a century. However, affordable models have recently disappeared from the streets. This is due to the labor intensity of production and the transfer of production to Southeast Asia. But tradition is tradition.

To encourage you to create your bike design projects, here is an impressive graduation project from Eindhoven Design Academy graduate Bob Schiller. This piece of engineering art has a name Epo. The main goal of the developer, in his opinion, is the need to revive the local industry and return production to the Netherlands. Assembling bicycles for Europe will be very profitable.

Many professionals have deeply enjoyed the design and ambition that earned Bob Schiller the Keep an Eye Grant. The designer borrowed ideas from cars, copying components and parts. Epo is made from sheets of aluminum pressed and soldered together. This results in a lightweight and durable construction.

In many modern cities, the bicycle remains a means of transportation. In London - the fashion capital of the world - big investments are being made in cycling infrastructure. So cycling will remain our reality for a long time to come.

We encourage our readers to enjoy and see what a great bike build is all about.

A Dutch student very successfully asked himself how to build a bike with his own hands, creating the Epo Bicycle.
A Dutch student very successfully asked himself how to build a bike with his own hands, creating the Epo Bicycle.

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Mounts are trivial and easy to self-assemble
Mounts are trivial and easy to self-assemble
There is an electric drive that increases the transport value of the bike
There is an electric drive that increases the transport value of the bike
Hand brakes are standard
Hand brakes are standard
There is a transmission
There is a transmission
Again, the transmission
Again, the transmission

Photo from the site: www.anothersomething.org.

2020 Subaru Outback: Animal Flair and Flexibility

The new 2020 Subaru Outback is now available for curious buyers to view. When we mention that the Japanese manufacturer has come up with a completely new solution, it means that the car has been completely updated. New body, new interior, new safety features - lots and lots of new things. The only thing that isn't brand new is Subaru's fantastic engine and all-wheel drive. But after such advertising, while maintaining an expert role, you need to add at least a drop of tar.

Why will consumers love the 2020 Subaru Outback?

First of all, we note that this car fell in love with the owners, whose life and work is connected with eternal moving. On this model, you can drive from Kharkov to the Polish border in an indecently short time. Four wheels deliver stable power.

It is worth concretizing the most important changes:

  • The Subaru Outback is getting updates across the board.
  • For the first time in the model's history, the Outback has a turbocharged engine option.
  • Safety features have become even more numerous, as well as expanded infotainment functions.

The power in this car is the result of a custom four-stroke engine. It's good, but not as solid as it was a couple of years ago. A feature of the platform is a ridiculously low center of gravity, which, in combination with the all-wheel drive system, provides excellent maneuverability, a smooth and at the same time powerful ride. Additionally, another interesting option is available to customers - this is the Subaru Active Vectorqueque Vectoring system, which is interfaced with a number of vehicle control systems. It is worth detailing other features.


New for 2020 is a turbocharger not previously available in the Outback lineup. This 2.4-liter turbo easily delivers 260 horsepower and 277 lb-ft of torque, which is more than enough to please extreme riders. If you opt for a standard naturally aspirated engine, such as the 2.5 liter four-cylinder engine, you get 182 horsepower and 176 lb-ft of torque.

Subaru also claims that nearly 90 percent of the 2.5-liter engine parts are new and remanufactured. The transmission is a Lineartronic CVT system with an eight-speed manual mode. It is accessed using switches on the steering column, which is very unusual and interesting.

The vehicle is ideal for towing additional trailers, including a caravan or boat trailer.

2020 Subaru Outback. Photo: Subaru of America, Inc.
2020 Subaru Outback. Photo: Subaru of America, Inc.


The suspension on the 2020 Subaru Outback is all new, lighter and more responsive. MacPherson A-pillars feature new coil springs, aluminum lower L-arms and a 23mm hollow sway bar. It is hard not to notice the reduction in weight of all these components, which significantly affects fuel consumption and increase in speed. At the rear, there is a double wishbone with subframe, coil springs and a 19mm hollow sway bar. All Outbacks have a total ground clearance of 8.7 inches. This is a lot and is suitable for field trips.


As you'd expect, the 2020 Subaru Outback comes with a range of safety features. The design of the car itself is 70 percent stiffer in terms of torsional rigidity, the front suspension is made more reliable so that the car can withstand extreme loads. 100 percent stiffer front side camber and rear subframe than previous Outback.

The increase in rigidity and structural stability of the frame is good in itself. In addition, the 2020 Subaru Outback comes with eight standard airbags. Ultimately, Subaru believes the Outback is about to reach its maximum safety record during testing this year. High Top Safety Pick+ ratings are also expected.

In terms of safety measures, Subaru EyeSight Driver Assist technology is standard and includes:

  • advanced adaptive cruise control with lane centering;
  • adaptive DriverFocus system and LED steering lights;
  • automatic reverse braking;
  • blind spot detection;
  • rear cross traffic warning;
  • lane change assistant;
  • and finally the secondary safety monitor EyeSight with display.

New for 2020 is a display that shows blind spots in front of the car.

2020 Subaru Outback: Animal Flair and Flexibility

Communications and Entertainment

In addition to all the safety tech, the 2020 Subaru Outback has an enhanced media tech package. It's designed to make you feel like you're in charge of a block in central Tokyo. The Subaru STARLINK system allows you to control media and vehicle settings using the touch screen. Smartphone integration with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto is also supported. There is Bluetooth capability and audio streaming capability. This touchscreen is a 11.6" Full HD display with voice navigation based on a TomTom navigator.

In the US, SiriusXM and SiriusXM Travel Link radios can be connected with Basic Subscription mode. Ukrainian users will have to be content with only a 12-speaker Harman Kardon audio system, Clari-FiTM compressed sound restoration technology, an amplifier and GreenEdge speakers. With such a system, radio stations are not really needed.

The 2020 Subaru Outback also brings a number of new apps to the region's attractions.

Subaru Outback 2020 interior layout. Photo: Subaru of America, Inc.
Subaru Outback 2020 interior layout. Photo: Subaru of America, Inc.


Limited and Touring models feature 10-way power front seats with lumbar support and adjustable cushion length. Both the front and rear seats are heated with a greater degree of coverage, up to the shoulders of a standard figure. Also available are ventilated front seats and a heated steering wheel, four USB ports, and two 12-volt DC outlets for connecting devices.

The car is roomy enough for cargo - up to 75.7 cubic feet of space in the passenger and cargo areas.

There is also a new feature that opens the rear hatch with a touch command. For outdoor adventurers, the Outback has roof rails with retractable crossbars and mounts.

2020 Subaru Outback: Animal Flair and Flexibility

Photo: Subaru of America, Inc.


Pricing for the 2020 Outback will be announced closer to the sale date this fall. The 2019 Subaru Outback cost upwards of $26,345, so expect the 2020 version to be at least as expensive. A more expensive version of the Onyx Edition XT will also be available. It has interesting exterior trim, 18-inch alloy wheels and a gray two-tone interior.


2020 Subaru Outback Gallery

2020 Subaru Outback: Animal Flair and Flexibility 2020 Subaru Outback: Animal Flair and Flexibility 2020 Subaru Outback: Animal Flair and Flexibility
2020 Subaru Outback: Animal Flair and Flexibility 2020 Subaru Outback: Animal Flair and Flexibility 2020 Subaru Outback: Animal Flair and Flexibility
2020 Subaru Outback: Animal Flair and Flexibility 2020 Subaru Outback: Animal Flair and Flexibility 2020 Subaru Outback: Animal Flair and Flexibility
2020 Subaru Outback: Animal Flair and Flexibility 2020 Subaru Outback: Animal Flair and Flexibility 2020 Subaru Outback: Animal Flair and Flexibility
2020 Subaru Outback: Animal Flair and Flexibility 2020 Subaru Outback: Animal Flair and Flexibility 2020 Subaru Outback: Animal Flair and Flexibility
2020 Subaru Outback: Animal Flair and Flexibility 2020 Subaru Outback: Animal Flair and Flexibility 2020 Subaru Outback: Animal Flair and Flexibility

Photo Source: Subaru of America, Inc.

Classic Ford Bronco Versus S: Can it compete?

По слухам Форд делает современную версию Ford Bronco Versus S и покажет ее уже в следующем году. С точки зрения Форда, внедорожники любой формы и размера очень актуальны. Если к этому добавить аппетиты активной публики и ностальгию, то переделка Bronco выглядит как лицензией на печать денег. Но будет ли это хорошей инвестицией для потребителя? И, в частности, будет ли классический Ford Bronco хорошей инвестицией в долгосрочной перспективе?

Напомним, что речь идет о реинстайлинге Ford Bronco, который выпускался с 1966 по 1976 годы. Многие специалисты, несмотря на активные ожидания продаж производителем считают, что это пустая затея и очень неудачная инвестиция.

Финансовая сторона вопроса

1966 Ford Bronco. Фото: Ford
Ford Bronco, 1966. Фото: Ford

По чистой случайности, оказывается, что кто-то решил изучить инвестиционную привлекательность оригинального Ford Bronco. Но, насколько можно судить, это не имеет абсолютно никакого отношения к возвращению Bronco на рынок. Независимо от этого, команда на FordPartsOnSale.com недавно выдала цифры об исследовании, сколько можно заработать или потерять, если купить классический новый Ford Bronco.

Да, стоит отметить, что оригинальный автомобиль (на фото) длительное время рассматривался как альтернатива Ferrari. Его покупали известные личности, и он имел неплохое техническое оснащение, однако этого оказалось недостаточным. Эту машину особенно люби Парнелли Джонс, участвовавших в гонке на Baja 1000. Когда выйдет реинстайлинг и новый Bronco, как вы думаете, что произойдет с ценностью старых версий? Особенно, если новый Bronco будет выдержан в стиле ретро?

Очевидно, что Оригиналы, которые были сделаны с 1966 по 1977 год, продемонстрируют скачок стоимости.

FordPartsOnSale.com ради интереса сравнил исходную MSRP и текущую стоимость (на основе аукционных продаж Барретта-Джексона в январе) четырех Ford Broncos первого и второго поколений. Аналитики сделали следующие выводы:

  • самая высокая цена продажи была для модели 1973 года в 60 500 долларов;
  • самая низкая аукционная продажа четырех была за модель 1967 года была продана за 31 900 долларов;
  • средний доход SP составил около 225 000 долларов.
1974 Форд Бронко. Фото: Форд Мотор Компани.
1974 Форд Бронко. Фото: Форд Мотор Компани.

И… немного о ценах.

Classic Ford Bronco Versus S: Can it compete?

2020 Acura RDX at a Glance

The 2020 Acura RDX is currently listed for sale at $40,000. The 2020 RDX model is equipped with a VTEC turbo engine. Consumers will be introduced to a 10-speed transmission and a torque-controlled all-wheel drive system. The A-Spec variant is for those who like custom equipment.

The car is designed and built in accordance with the concept of Acura Precision Crafted Performance. This generation of RDX is the result of an overhaul of the platform.

2020 Acura RDX: Best Family SUV

The 2020 Acura RDX is also launching with a strategy to take on a fairly large segment of the market. Recently, Autotrader published that the model was named "Best Compact Luxury SUV for Families" by News and World Report in the US. It also won "Best New Car for 2019" by Autotrader.

Acura's premium ELS Studio 3D audio system, available as standard, has even been named "Business Audio System of the Year" by Business Insider. This serious set of regalia needs special attention for the 2020 Acura RDX, we have tried to prepare a short but detailed review.

Design and technology

The 2020 RDX is the first vehicle to showcase Acura's new exterior and interior design concept in its entirety. Fans will surely remember the Acura Precision Concept and the Acura Precision Cockpit. This is, in fact, the combination of these two platforms in one.

Acura opted for a sportier stance for the new model. This was made possible by a longer wheelbase, shorter front overhang. New for 2020 comes in elegant Platinum White.

Brushed aluminium, stainless steel and olive wood interiors complete the design of the sports seats and the panoramic sunroof. Acura's True Touchpad media system interface combines a traditional touch screen and remote control, combined with traditional push-button controls located on the center console.

Acura RDX 2020. Photo: Acura
Acura RDX 2020. Photo: Acura

A-spec version

The base 2020 Acura RDX can be upgraded with an advanced entertainment and technology package. New features and trim options are available, including heated and ventilated front seats. Options are configurable in 16 directions. The Advanced Kit includes a 10.5-inch Full Color Heads-Up Display. Also, the package includes the aforementioned premium stereo system Acura ELS Studio. Amenities and safety features include a panoramic security camera and a cross-traffic monitor. Buyers can also look forward to the Blind Spot Information System.

In addition, built-in 4GLTE Wi-Fi supports services such as emergency roadside assistance, remote vehicle lock/unlock, vehicle theft tracking, and geo-targeting.

The A-Spec body kit includes 20-inch wheels and 245/45R20 low-profile tires, high-gloss black trim and larger exhaust pipes. Buyers have access to red or black leather interior with black accents.

The interior of the 2020 Acura RDX. Photo: Acura
The interior of the 2020 Acura RDX. Photo: Acura


The 2020 Acura RDX sets itself apart from other models with a direct-injection turbo engine. The 2.0-liter 16-valve power unit, built in accordance with advanced environmentally friendly DOHC VTEC technology, produces 272 hp. and gives 280 lb-ft of torque. Acura announced that with the 10-speed automatic transmission, the car has 40% more low end torque than with the V6 engine once fitted to the RDX.

What is really a very interesting and modern feature is the Super Handling All-Wheel Drive. This is a torque vectoring system, often referred to as "SH-AWD". It is thanks to her that the rear-wheel torque is increased by an average of 40% more than the previous generation. Moreover, according to the decision of the developers, 100% of this torque falls on the right rear or left rear wheel. This engineering approach allows you to improve the maneuverability, stability and control of the car. These features are especially helpful in inclement weather.

Available driving modes support 4 settings Snow, Comfort, Sport and Sport+. Each of the modes changes the overall dynamics of the car according to different road conditions. Changes apply to the Drive-by-Wire throttle, transmission, electric power steering, traction control, and, if equipped, the SH-AWD system, respectively.

2020 Acura RDX with SH-WD. Photo: Acura
2020 Acura RDX with SH-WD. Photo: Acura

About prices

Price for the 2020 Acura RDX ranges from $39,000 to $49,000 depending on equipment. This cost includes shipping to the dealership. For example, an entry-level front-wheel drive RDX starts at $38,595. The 2020 Acura RDX with the Advanced Package and SH-AWD starts at $48,695. The A-Spec package with front-wheel drive costs $44,795 or $46,795 with SH-AWD.

The 2020 Acura RDX is being released in East Liberty, Ohio.

2020 Acura RDX Gallery

2020 Acura RDX at a Glance 2020 Acura RDX at a Glance 2020 Acura RDX at a Glance
2020 Acura RDX at a Glance 2020 Acura RDX at a Glance 2020 Acura RDX at a Glance
2020 Acura RDX at a Glance 2020 Acura RDX at a Glance 2020 Acura RDX at a Glance
2020 Acura RDX at a Glance 2020 Acura RDX at a Glance 2020 Acura RDX at a Glance
2020 Acura RDX at a Glance 2020 Acura RDX at a Glance 2020 Acura RDX at a Glance
2020 Acura RDX at a Glance 2020 Acura RDX at a Glance 2020 Acura RDX at a Glance
2020 Acura RDX at a Glance 2020 Acura RDX at a Glance 2020 Acura RDX at a Glance

Photo Source: Acura.

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